First and foremost, I am writing this post in English because I am guessing that many people all over the world actually don't ever know what is ISLAM actually. If that person was you, then you HAVE to read this post. Because today, many people have wrong perceptions on Islam. Maybe they look on what are the Muslims doing, not on what Islam is. So, in this post, I will reveal a little about Islam. Then, you will reveal the other. By the way, starting from now on, you'll know the truth about Islam.
So, what is ISLAM actually?
ISLAM is an arabic term, means PEACE. Islam is a religion that stresses the way of life to its adherents including 3 relations, that are :
1) Relations of a slave with God, Allah (slave is term for a muslim, in Islam we call slave because we have to obey ALL God's instructions).
2) Relations of a slave (muslim) with others. (people, living things, things, ...)
3) Relations of a slave with himself / herself.
"Wait wait! So how about the muslims today? I see they are always quarrelling between each others. Is this the mean of peace?"
"I see today, Muslims like nothing. They can't be on the top."
Are these what have been running in your mind? If so, just continue reading this.
My question, what are you judging actually? Are you judging Islam or Muslims? Be just to yourselves! I'm not saying all Muslims always quarrelling or can't be at the top. It was happened but not to all muslims. There are some muslims that actually do not practice Islam, yet you judge Islam based on them? Is it what we call being JUST? That's why you have been miss meaning what is Islam actually. You judge Islam based on Muslims that do not practice Islam. If you want to judge Islam, judge Islam itself. Or you could judge Muslims that practice Islam (little hard).
In Christian, they have a Bible. In Islam, we have a Quran. Quran is a holy book in Islam, and a revelation from the God (Allah) to His Messenger (Nabi Muhammad s.a.w) for 1400+ years ago.
"Quran is just a book. I prefer reading novels than trying to understand Quran."
Hmmm... If so, okay. It's your choice. But here, I wanna tell you the amazing of Quran.
In a book called Quran, the scientific research that had been founded nowadays by the scientists, actually has been stated clearly in Quran long time ago. Example, The Big Bang theory that was found around 1927 M, but it was stated clearly in Quran for about 1400+ years ago. Have you know about it? It was stated, in Chapter Al-Anbiya', verses 30.
Sahih International Translations :
those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens (sky) and the
earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made
from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?So, this thing actually have been stated about 1400+ years ago in Quran. Why not you study more about the superb of Quran. I admitted the superb of Quran, and it is actually Allah's words (God's words). That's why, Quran is the primary constitutions in Islam because it includes economy, social life, history, what will happen in the future, laws, punishments, motivations, sciences, astronomy, ways to face a war, encouragement to do good deeds to people and many more. If you want to know more, just take Quran, try to understand and study it.
In Islam, there are also law of politics, law of socials, law of economy (business), law of life, law of this religion, law of prayer (ibadah), law of cleanliness (how to clean ourselves from the dirts), and many more. In short word, Islam is 'shumul', which means including all things. That means all things have been stated by Islam whether they are allowed or forbidden. And everything have been stated in Islam, like how to do this? Can we do this? What are the effects? Although it was a small matter. See?
Then, have you ever heard about the greatest guy in history, who is the best leader in the world. He is a leader of a state, he is a leader of war, he is a businessman, he is a father, he is a husband, he is a teacher, he is the great thinker, and the most important is he is a Messenger. Yes, his name is Muhammad Bin Abdullah. He is Allah's Messenger, all his words are written by his companions because it was so great. And his words also be the primary constitutions in Islam after Quran.
One of the amazing things in Islam is, we as muslims, we love Allah and Nabi Muhammad s.a.w although we don't ever meet Allah and his Messenger. I wanna ask you, how can we love someone that we don't ever meet? Is it possible to love someone we never meet? But, this is Islam. In Islam, its answer is yes. Maybe you are wondering how it could be like that. I just wanna to stress here, this is one of the amazing of Islam. Today, I tell you about these things, but tomorrow, you HAVE to do research on this. May God help you. Do research and keep praying because we want the truth in our life. And I do respect the other religions, never trying to lower the others. Keep smiling because it is Nabi Muhammad's sunnah (attitude) :)
You HAVE to watch this video. This video will tell you the truth of Islam. This is so great :
May these links help you to study Islam :
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